Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I don't know y lately I'm suffering from headaches and loss of appetite :( Of course I am not pregnant :P The pain become worst during evening time. Is it because of my contraception? I don't have any idea. :(

But referring to Dr, those who are using injection as their contraceptive method may experience headaches, dizziness, spotty skin, bloating and so on...That's y I was thinking whether to stop this injection or not. May be I have to try other method that suits me. Aaaarrrgghh! I don't know. What I am afraid of is as the injection cannot be removed from the body, side effects may continue during the time it is administered and for some time afterwards. Makan Panadol pun tak jalan :( Now should I try implant? Or IUD? Or natural method? Ayoyo....hard thing to decide lah :P

Am in dilemma :(


azura said...

i use oral contraceptive. pil yasmin. same also..it causes mood swings, etc. but this pil claims itself the best and paling kurang berat badan naik kalau makan pil ni. a bit pricey though, rm45 for per month (pil lain2 dalam rm20 jek).

nanti kalau i nak sambung blaja kene pakai implanon gak , coz implanon mmg untuk 3 tahun.

nelly ambil injection tu kat mana?

Az said...

salam nelly..sy tgh pk which way suit me skrang..nak dekat abis pantang ni tgh pening..maybe akan try pill jugak as nazs kot..but rase mcm leceh kena makan tetiap hari..hehe..
This time kena jaga betul2..takut ..
Berminat jugak nak pakai implanon..
injection tu macamana ye? kena ambik tetiap bulan ke how?..

~J.E.T~ said...

nasz : neli malas la nak ambik pil sebab jenis tak de disiplin kalo makan.hehehe.kalo injection nih tak payah nak pikir dah makan ke belum.tapinya tu la,sakit pala la plak.ingat cam nak try method lain tapi tak tahu lagi macam mana.. :(

neli tak berani nak pakai implanon sebab takut badan naik.kang jenuh tak turun2. dah la si heemi tu muka sweet2 jek.kang bini lak besar cam belon. hik hik hik

azie : neli ambil injection 3 bulan sekali. eh azie, congrats for your newborn :) comey la baby :) kalo injection 2 bulan sekali dia pakai jenis minyak.sakit giler la kalo masuk.tapi kalo injection 3 bulan sekali,pakai powder. so kurang sakit skit.heheh :)

~J.E.T~ said...
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Fasha Sandha said...

wah...Habi u mmg sweet pun

~J.E.T~ said...

Pasha Senduk : Errkkk! Shadap ok!

mrs rux said...

Neli,i still depend on the natural method and sumtimes tu amik prostinor (morning after pill)..tapi sesungguhnya natural method nih memerlukan disiplin yang hamat tinggi utk kedua2 belah pihak..huhuh

~J.E.T~ said...

wanie : wah kagum la natural method :) kitorang sebab natural method la dapat Rihanna :D tak de disiplin langsung. main suka hati jek :D wanie, pil morning after pun bagus kan?tapi aku nih bab2 pil memang out la. malas nak schedule ler :D

weehuu said...

my gynae kata implan is the best, but expensive la. Also involve with hormon. so simptom2 sakit pale, loya, moody tu still akan di hadapi la. but then, still yg ada terpregnant gak.
(http://www.implanon.com.my/) - password needed

weehuu said...

macam bahaya je morning after pill nihh...

~J.E.T~ said...

erin : implan akak macam takut sebab takut gain weight. sekarang nih tgh pening nak try pakai apa. pill morning after nih penah dgr tapi keberkesanan dia tak tahu lak macam mana.

weehuu said...

tu ahh, kalu yg involve ngan hormon boleh gain weight, kalu yg x involve hormon lak..hmmmm