Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Lets the best happen!

I would to take this opportunity to wish my dearie friend, NadiatulHuda Zulkifli :

With my
1 Heart...
2 eyes...
5 litre blood...
206 bones...
1.2million Red Cells...
60 trillion D.N.A.'s...

I would like to wish u :

"All the very best of luck in your viva voce. May Allah always be with you"

p/s : Nad, buat yang terbaik ya. I'm sure you will pass it with flying colours! No worries. Should I call u Dr Nadiatul after this :) ?

Hugs & kisses...


mrs rux said...

after this ur turn pulak eh Dr.Neli to be:)

~J.E.T~ said...

wanie : my turn nun jauh tak nampak lagi nur2 nya. macam tenggelam timbul je :D best kan kalo sejak lahir depan nama kite dah ada Dr. Hehe..instant Dr :P Hopefully my turn will come later :) Tapi tak tahu ntah bila :D

JustinBebel said...

Abang nak jadi Dokterrr Cinta

Anonymous said...

Thanks Nelly..doakan la..Tgh menghitung hari ni..2 hari jek lagi..:0..Insyaallah tak lama lagi tu turn hang amiin

~J.E.T~ said...

Nad, macam mana? Dah lepas tak PhD ko? Sila updet k!