Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I already passed my comprehensive exam ;)

My endless thanks is always to Allah..

To MyPartner, thank you...thank you...thank you....
Buat masa yang sama, untuk anak2 yang banyak membakar semangat saya untuk terus belajar...hidup Mama memang la sangat tak adventure kalo tak de korang dua :D
To my parents...terima kasih doakan Jet. :)
Dan untuk kawan2 yang mendoakan saya, terima kasih banyak :)

Oh relief nya rasa, jom MAHA jom!!

p/s : Dah 2 minggu bermata ala2 panda! Adeh...penat!

Friday, November 26, 2010

5 years of marriage

Tick tock tick tock and suddenly I realized that today is 26 November :) It is so hard to believe that 5 years have flown by so fast. :)

Sure we’ve had our share of arguments through the years, but we’ve always dealt with them and I’m amazed how our love continues to grow and the excitement is still there. You are my best friend, and even though we annoy each other sometimes :P, but it still grows in love and friendship ;)
Even though this simple note isn’t an expensive gift, but hey, it’s from my heart, and that is something that we’ve both always put above gifts. I love you, you are my best friend and the love of my life.
Happy Anniversary, Abang! ;)

To my dearie partner, I love u to bits!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Quote of the day..

Sometimes we really need someone to remind us...

"If you are motivated by fear, you will be constantly pointing out your child's wrongs, then the child will feel that he or she is never good enough. You will keep comparing your child to somebody who is always better and because of that your child will always feel that he or she is always a failure." - Charis Patrick, Family Life educator.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Bila Mama menangis...

Oh kenapa la saya mudah sungguh kluarkan airmata lately nih nak2 hal anak2..
Bak kata MyPartner : Ratu Airmata :D

Kakak dah 2 hari dia rapat sangat ngan saya...
Saya tahu dia sedih tengok saya nangis sebabkan dia..
Nak kata saya nangis sebab marahkan dia..tak jugak.
Cuma kadang2 saya rasa saya penat dengan perihal anak2 yang tengah membesar.
Kadang2 ditegur salah, tak ditegur salah...

Tak pe, saya terima semua cabaran dengan hati yang terbuka menjadi ibu kepada dua anak kecil dan pada masa yang sama, saya serabut dengan urusan belajar saya.
Setahun je lagi tinggal untuk Mama habiskan keje Mama.
Kadang2 terasa sangat bersalah sebab saya tak punya banyak masa untuk anak2 tatkala anak2 tengah membesar..
Tapi tak pe, Mama janji, bila semuanya selesai..Mama akan bayar balik segala hutang masa Mama pada Kakak+Adik+MyPartner....

Moga Allah permudahkan segala urusan saya tatkala saya serabut dengan pelbagai masalah. Tiada apa yang membahagiakan saya buat masa ini melainkan melihat anak2 membesar dengan sihat....tu jek.

p/s : Wish me luck for my comprehensive exam ya!

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Oh sukanya saya lagu Rapuh nih...dalam maksud lagu nih untuk insan sekerdil saya. Bila dengar tatkala sunyi, boleh mengalir airmata...

detik waktu terus berjalan
berhias gelap dan terang
suka dan duka tangis dan tawa
tergores bagai lukisan

seribu mimpi berjuta sepi
hadir bagai teman sejati
di antara lelahnya jiwa
dalam resah dan air mataku
persembahkan kepadaMu
yang terindah dalam hidup

meski ku rapuh dalam langkah
kadang tak setia kepadaMu
namun cinta dalam jiwa
hanyalah padaMu

maafkanlah bila hati
tak sempurna mencintaiMu
dalam dadaku harap hanya
diriMu yang bertahta

detik waktu terus berlalu
semua berakhir padaMu


"Kesian kat lembu tu.."
What do we explain to our little ones as they witness the sacrifices being slaughtered? Perhaps we can explain how Allah has made each creature to have its own role and function e.g. some to work in farms, some to be pets, some to be eaten, some to carry goods, etc. Happy feeding the inquisitive minds!
p/s : Credit to Ayen for the nice picca!

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Oh my...one of my close friends in the lab is almost graduating :(
He used to register after me but now, he is leaving me behind before I complete my study....
Am I too slow? Am I too much playing around with not-so-important thingy? Ye kot...Adeh!

Now I'm helping him to translate his abstract to Bahasa Melayu which I used to do that when someone dah nak habis sangat2. Sedihnya...

He will leaving our group soon.. One after another is leaving our group. We do share the same goal from the 1st day we registered...

Nak nangis pulak baca abstract dia. Huhu...emotional sungguh la!

p/s : Bila la my turn nak graduate nih?