Monday, May 25, 2009

Adik buli kakak..

Once a while apa salahnya adik buli kakak kan?Selalunya adik yang kena buli. But this time around I just ignored them for a while to see adik membuli kakaknya. Teehee :D. Nothing to write here for this moment because I'm so sleepy and tired.I went out with my husband today just to watch cinema at OU. Only a couple of people were watching this movie just now.Y? Because it is Monday (all people are working today :P) and of course both of us are on leave :P We watched "Night At The Museum 2" and I give 4.5 stars for this movie. You should go and watch it. Really recommended! Will update on the family vacation at PD in the coming entry. Nite2!

Oh ya, I would like to wish Syikin (my labmate) a happy birthday :) May all your dreams will come true and stay cun k ;) .Nyanyi jap "Once a year,it's a very special day..bla..bla.."<< versi Disney Channel



m.I.k.I.N C.U.t.e said...

Bestnyer dpt spesel Wish kt blog yg COMey ni....TQ..TQ..TQ..TQ..TQ
rajin2 la Tmbh entry baru....
suke baca n tgk gambaq2 yg comEy2 tu..

~J.E.T~ said...

mikin : wah besday girl berkate2 :) TQ syikin for viewing akak nye blog :)


neli!dah buleh dah masuk hehehe
apsal smlm klik tak dpt

anak awk yg sulung lbh krg baya anak saya aiman,,hehe

syok tgk depa dah buleh main sdiri2 dah

fiza_baik said...

akak...sangat comei2 anak2 akak nih...geramnyer....rase nak main2 ngan diorang plak...